Holt District Sport
At St James we are part of a district called Holt. This district is made up of 9 schools from the Bayside area. In this district we compete in tennis, swimming, soccer, netball, football, athletics, cross-country, basketball and cricket as well as term 2 weekly community sport which occurs every Friday and is an opportunity for the students to meet other students from the Holt District and simply have fun.

The main sports are governed by School Sport Victoria (SSV). If you do well at our district level, ie win team events or come first or second in individual events you are asked to then go on to represent the Holt district at the Beachside division level. At this level you will be competing against representatives from other districts. If you are successful at Beachside competitions, winning individual or team events you will go through to Regionals and then if successful States.
Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country are all run in age groups. 9/10, 11, 12/13. Your age is taken from the 31st December of the year of competition. For the team events we usually only offer places to the year 5 and 6 students. Except for basketball and cricket which we offer to year 3,4,5 and 6 students.
The following is an indication of the sports offered each term;
Term 1 | Term 2 | Term 3 | Term 4 |
Swimming | Soccer | Athletics | Cricket |
Tennis | Community Sport | Basketball | |
Cross Country | |||
Football | |||
Netball |